
What can i upgrade on imovie for mac pro 2010 to
What can i upgrade on imovie for mac pro 2010 to

what can i upgrade on imovie for mac pro 2010 to what can i upgrade on imovie for mac pro 2010 to

It should be the top result in the search. IMovie Version Guide: Free Download iMovie 9/10/11 or Any Version. IMovie is a video editing software application sold by Apple Inc. For the Mac and iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). It was originally released in 1999 as a Mac OS 8 application. Hopefully this helps someone in my shoes searching for this very same topic. From 2003, iMovie is included free with all new Mac computers. What i read online leads me to believe otherwise, but not with my operating system (Lion). Same goes with anything that came out pre-App Store. What i learned: Previous versions of iLife can only be obtained via disk and not through the App Store, apparently. He sent me iLife '11 via disk (to my U.S. Eventually though, i ended up with the right guy in the Apps department who set me straight. Long story short, spent an hour alone trying to get the refund sorted out with an absolutely useless employee in the sales dept who said "wow thats really old!" when we went over my operating system details for the zillionth time and who did not know what iMovie 9.0 was. This is what led to the very very long call. Sure enough, what he sent me the next day was a download for the current iMovie v.10.0 and of course when i tried the redemption code in the App Store it says it will not work. Even the order confirmation/ receipt said "iMovie '11 single unit". He knew my operating system limits and knew that Mavericks and the current iMovie v.10.0 would not work on my macbook. Some of these MacBook laptops are equipped. The day before, an Apple employee in the sales department actually sold me iMovie v9.0 (2011 version) and was very helpful/ confident about it. SSD: These storage devices on Apple MacBook Pro computers consist of flash memory.

what can i upgrade on imovie for mac pro 2010 to

I ended up talking to Apple for about an hour and a half yesterday on a long distance skype call from New Zealand to USA trying to figure this out.

What can i upgrade on imovie for mac pro 2010 to